Why does my area agency need to improve our outreach strategy?

Today’s older adults are online more than ever and leveraging technology to connect, learn, and stay engaged. Is your agency reaching them effectively?

Many AAAs aren’t engaging with their audiences as effectively as they could, resulting in lost opportunities to connect with older adults and their communities. If your organization is looking to improve reach and engagement, adding a digital strategy tailored to their specific needs is key.


of agencies have public awareness and outreach programs on elder abuse


of AAAs in the U.S. have a full-time marketing staff member


of agencies have a program in place marketing their value proposition or ROI for their services

There are many ways agencies fail to reach older adults. Even with the right goals, some marketing teams aren’t taking full advantage of the most effective digital channels available. Engaging older adults with technology, as well as engaging those who are challenged with learning it (but still want to learn) is important.

We’ve been working with AAAs for 7 years. During this time, we’ve seen agencies struggle to reach their communities. So, we developed a downloadable resource for area agency marketing teams, titled “10 Don’ts for Engaging Older Adults with Technology: A CEO’s Blueprint.” In this guide, you’ll find more information about how to proactively avoid these common pitfalls and achieve your outreach goals.

Get the Guide

The One With Digital team is truly commendable. The result is an engaging online experience that effortlessly guides visitors through our services and resources.

They have become an indispensable partner in our marketing success.

Tracy James

Marketing Coordinator,
WellWise Services Area Agency on Aging

2023 USAging Annual Conference and Tradeshow

At the conference you’ll hear about the different programs and strategies other area agencies have provided – and hear about their successes engaging their communities.

Make sure you’re fully equipped when it comes to your own programs.

Don’t Make These Mistakes

About One With Digital

One With Digital helps Area Agencies on Aging promote their missions and connect online with older adults in their communities. We enable agencies to grow their digital engagement, scale their marketing teams, and proactively interact online with their audiences.

When AAAs work with us, they experience:

Digital Expertise

We bring a wealth of experience and specialized expertise to the table that you may not have in-house.

Measurable Results

Measure the effectiveness of your website and the engagement with the users.

Time Saved

Our team can handle all aspects of the digital marketing efforts, allowing agencies to focus on meeting with the website referrals.

Target Audience

Optimize your website to reach people that align with each title of the OAA.

Digital Engagement

Maximize engagement and improve collaboration within the community you serve.

Accessible & DEI Focused

Make your agency website feel welcoming to everyone using current accessibility technology and DEI assessment tools.

Our goal is for your digital interactions to provide a great experience, create engagement, obtain referrals, and build a relationship with the communities they serve. I look forward to meeting you and helping your agency grow.

Erik Edgington

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